ALFA Environmental Remediation Services, Inc. - a leading environmental assessment, consulting, and management company. ALFA Environmental consultants offers a wide range of environmental assessment services providing our customers
with the safest and most
cost effective environmental solutions to all their environmental compliance needs.
Since 1992, environmental assessment consulting services
include soil, soil gas and gasoline station testing, Underground Storage Tank - UST Cleanup Fund applications and reimbursement, remedial excavation, Conceptual Site Model (CSM), human health risk assessment, feasibility study, Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR), design, NPDES permitting, implementation and monitoring groundwater remediation systems, consulting and field services, soil sampling,
groundwater monitoring, underground storage tanks removal, hazardous waste management and environmental compliance for TCE, PCE - PERC, Gasoline Stations, and industrial solvents such as TCE and PCE - PERC at Gasoline Station and at other contaminated properties, and successful environmental Case Closure.
Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund - USTCF - Claim Eligibility - Reimbursements - Case Closure
The Underground Storage Tank (UST) Cleanup Fund (Fund) provides a means for petroleum UST owners and operators to meet the federal and state requirements of maintaining financial responsibility to pay for any damages arising from their tank operations. The Fund assists a large number of small businesses and individuals by providing reimbursement for expenses associated with the cleanup of leaking USTs. The Fund also provides money to the Regional Water Boards and local regulatory agencies to abate emergency situations or to cleanup abandoned sites that pose a threat to human health, safety, and the environment, as a result of a UST petroleum release.
Professional environmental consultants have performed an extensive number of Phase 1, 2, and 3 Environmental Site
on residential and commercial properties for real estate customers to evaluate its environmental condition(s) and identify any
Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) that could be a liability or become a future environmental liability. An environmental assessment survey is conducted in accordance with the "American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Standard Practice for Soil Testing"
We are looking forward to an opportunity to prove to you that ALFA Environmental Remediation Services, Inc. is your firm of choice for
all your environmental compliance and engineering needs!